Look, how winter in New Zealand looks like! 15-20° during the day, occasional frosts at night. June in Motueka.
Finished northern sideThe lawn has turned green (more or less)Finished western deck sideOur newest terraces, turning slowly green between the olive and feijoa treesLoads of wild flowers rushing to flower before the frostsOur black romney sheep (called Chocolate)The two wiltshires in the back and our borrowed ram at the rightIt has the shape of a grapefruit, the thick skin of a pomelo and tastes like a giant lemon. Any ideas what it is?Chick no more I: Our silver sprengled hamburg roosterChick no more II: Our campine henThe two fat sussex hens in front of the flockHeinzi, our massive leghorn rooster. Little gizmo fortunately found a new home, as he was always caught in the feeder box!