Garden Update Schnitzel October 8, 2016 The springy valley lies calm in the distance Only the mist hanging in the trees while the sun sparingly looks through The sheep are happy and the lambs have grown almost as tall as their mums They are curious little buggers When they’re bored, they like to raise their lips and sing The top of the hill is another story: Busy scything leaves little hay mounds, the chicken tracktor still needs fixing after the previous storm, the white frost covers still are on the trees, waiting “for the last this year” In the glasshouse the nursing is full on, already the third charge of little seedlings that will go out soon And the hundreds of little pots filled with herbs, natives, fruit shrubs and experiments Meantime, on the other side of the valley, the pine pollen clouds are moving over the trees like a giant beeing of its own Schnitzel Donations in form of Darbo Preiselbeer Kompott are greatly appreciated ;)