Go, toothfairy, go!

It must be kind of hard to always be 2 years behind (your bigger sister)… Whatever you discover, she’s already done that, which story your Dad tells you, she’s already heard it, she’s taller, stronger, jumps higher and runs faster. There’s no way you can beat her – not even in loosing teeth. But every person has her own, special character and you are the strong willed, with a stunning perseverance and trust in your abilities. You don’t like to show off  in front of others but when time comes, you and your sister will be coequal and even complement each other.

Since February we kept track of that first and second molar tooth breaking through and now, eventually, the third (lower front) tooth grows, going along with that fascinating wobbling and loss of the first milk tooth (May 25th). Congratulations Verena, you’re a big girl now!

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