Europe 2018: The Nocky Mountains

“The Nocky Mountains Biosphere Reserve is home to beautiful landscapes featuring lakes and sparse forests, marmots and wonderful views. Rustic lodges offering fine cuisine on sunny observation decks invite visitors to dine on Carinthia’s culinary specialities.” says the Nockalmroad Information leaflet. And it’s not wrong! And once we were on the adventure path again, also stopped at the glacier lake Falkertsee.

Very inviting.
On our way to the Falkertsee.
Unfortunately the only marmots we saw ;)
This bench is taken!
Idyllic scene at Falkertsee.
And then we saw the bunnies. No escape from the cute-zone.
More rustic farmland.
The tired wanderers.
“The yellow flowers”.
You can’t walk unnoticed, the cows always have their eyes on you.
Moss and a little stream.
“The purple one.”
Stones that lie around in a very unnatural fashion.
A climbing girl in an orange sweater.
Eyes of god along the Nocky Road.
Little mountain ghosts
Die Wunschglocke.
Just put money in the box, then you can wish for something ;)
The pass road.
Beware of the cows!
In reality they are more than lethargic, I wonder if they move anything else apart from their muzzles anyway.
Just drove by this beauty.
Somebody is seriously working out here.
Nockalmhof – Exhibition of fossils and stones.
It is directly on the Nockalm Road only three kilometres from Innerkrems, and is a good starting point for various hikes in the National Park.
Several display boards offer information about the interesting history of iron mining in Innerkrems and the surrounding area.
Well, I like fossils.
Saw some taxidermied ones though.
Zechner Alm – Meadow Farming Museum.
And good Speck, too.
Really thought it was not possible to have sch followed by p in German. Wrong :D
Grundalm – Silva Magica.
The Silva Magica is the only place in the world where natural phenomena
and natural beings can be experienced and explored.
The loop trail was designed by local and international artists
under the supervision of the horticulturalist, Johannes Matthiessen.
A geological path with energy loungers
is also incorporated in the Silva Magica.
A beautiful place to spend a lot of time. Also the best toilet in the park.
And that’s the way to go if you’re hungry and had no lunch ;)


Donations in form of Darbo Preiselbeer Kompott are greatly appreciated ;)