Hula Kahiko women dancers statue in Kona at Keahole international airport.Surf taps at the KOA intl airport.Finally allowed on the tarmac.Bye Kona, hi Honolulu.Daniel K. Inouye International Airport, not the most modern but maybe the greenest.Outside, waiting for The Bus to take us to Waikiki.Cool city impressions.The sheer amount of buildings and size of sky scrapers blew our minds.Driving limo style.Cutting through a back street full of surf boards to reach the beach.And there it is.The Duke welcomes everyone.Packed with people and turquois bliss.Umbrellas everywhere, like Rimini.Life guard is watching over the swimmers.No relaxing here lol, all busy business.These girls are going to ride some waves.But we leave to check in at our hotel.Right after you, young lady.Almost trying to find Waldo.Surf shack at the beach.Wow.Once we put our bags in our room we’re good to explore more.This city is big, but tourists are very welcome and the number of attractions is vast.Preparing for sunset.Back at the water front.Torches light the path.Hear the waves underneath the loud music?Waving us out again.Good night!